
Information for the processing of personal data


SUBJECT: information pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 13-14 of GDPR 2016/679, concerning the information that will be acquired, the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.

In accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 on “General Data Protection Regulation”, mit.D. srl, as Data Controller, is required to provide you with information regarding the use of your personal data.

This information also refers to the processing carried out by the parties who perform, on behalf of the Company, the tasks of a technical and organizational nature.


  1. Purposes and methods of treatment. Nature of the provision of data.

The processing of your personal data which the Company is in possession of or which will be requested or which will be communicated by you or by third parties is performed in execution of:

Legal obligations such as invoicing, compulsory entries and accounting records, etc .; contractual obligations such as supply or sales relationships, as well as related amendments and additions; transmission of commercial offers also via e-mail.

The provision of personal data necessary for these purposes is compulsory and the related processing does not require your assent.

The processing will take place with manual and automated systems designed to store, manage and transmit the data, with logic strictly related to the purposes, based on the data in our possession and with your commitment to promptly notify us of any corrections, additions and updates.

For the activities listed above, the Company makes use of external organizations of its own trust that perform the tasks of a technical and organizational nature such as:

– The presentation of IT services relating to the provision, development and maintenance of hardware and software systems necessary for the performance of the services provided by the Company;

– Accounting activity.


  1. Categories of data processed

The Company and the other parties that perform, on behalf of or in favor thereof, the tasks described in paragraph 1, treat your personal data relating to:

  • Business name
  • Registered office and related address
  • Administrative office and relative address
  • Operating office and relative address
  • Mailing address
  • VAT / cod. tax
  • Telephone / fax / email
  • Extreme bank identifiers (IBAN)


  1. Categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as managers or processors

For the pursuit of the purposes described in paragraph 1, the Company needs to communicate your personal data to third parties belonging to the following categories of subjects:

  • IT management / maintenance service providers of corporate information systems where data will be stored, including System Administrators;
  • Banks and credit institutions, credit insurance companies;
  • Company of commercial information;
  • Auditing company and Supervisory body;
  • Couriers, shippers, depositaries;
  • Professional and consultancy studies;
  • Insurance companies;
  • Public bodies in the cases provided for by law.


  1. Time of conservation

Personal data will be processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationships established, and also subsequently, for the accomplishment of all legal obligations and in any case for a period not exceeding 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship or beyond in the cases expressly requested by the law.


  1. Rights of the interested party referred to in art. 15 and ss. of EU Regulation 679/2016.

We inform you that the legislation regarding the protection of personal data confers on the interested parties the possibility to exercise specific rights.

In particular, each interested party has:

  • The right of access, expressly provided for by art. 15 of Regulation 679/2016, i.e. the possibility to access all personal information concerning him;
  • The right of rectification, expressly provided for by art. 16 of regulation 679/2016, i.e. the possibility of obtaining the updating of inaccurate personal data concerning him without justified delay;
  • The right to be forgotten, expressly provided for by art. 17 of Regulation 679/2016, consisting of the right to cancel personal data concerning the individual concerned;
  • The right of limitation of treatment when one of the hypotheses provided for by the art. 18 of Regulation 679/2016;
  • The right to data portability, expressly provided for by art. 20 of Regulation 679/2016, i.e. the right to obtain their data and / or the right to receive their personal data in an interoperable format to another data controller without hindrance by this company;
  • The right of revocation of consent at any time, expressly provided for by art. 7 of regulation 679/2016;
  • The right to propose a complaint with the guarantor in the event of a breach in the processing of data pursuant to art. 77 of regulation 679/2016;
  • The right to bring a judicial remedy in case of unlawful processing of data, including through acts taken by the guarantor pursuant to Article 78 of Regulation 679/2016;
  • The right to oppose at any time the processing for sending commercial communications and advertising material or direct sales, by sending an email address


  1. Data Controller and Data Processors

Owner of the processing of personal data referred to in this statement is mit.D. srl, with registered office in Via Torrette, 11 – 12020 Bernezzo (CN) – 0171/857264.

The requests relating to the exercise of the aforementioned rights may be sent, in writing, also by means of an email sent to the box, to the person in charge of processing the data to reply to the interested party.

Requests related to the identity of the other designated data processors of mit.D. srl as well as the requests referred to in paragraph 5 above can also be formulated verbally.